With energy, transport and communications increasingly interconnected, minor problems can have a big impact. Around the world, energy systems face a host of shocks and stresses from technology to climate change and many other factors in between. These scenarios threaten to disrupt energy systems – and the lives of the people who rely on them.

As an energy producer, supplier, user or supply chain investor, do you know how resilient your business and energy systems are to these challenges? How can you get the information you need now, to make informed decisions about the future?

To help you answer these questions, Arup has developed the Energy Resilience Framework. The framework can diagnose where resilience performance meets best practice, and where challenges and opportunities for improvement lie.

Resilience is much more than technology or thinking singularly about one disruptive factor. As climate change events become more frequent and we transition to a digital world, the time is now to future-proof for resilience.

Comprised of three dimensions and underpinned by 11 goals, the framework explores leadership and strategy, economic and societal value as well as the physical infrastructure and its ecosystems and how to achieve the goals.


Energy Resilience Framework