The Corporate Report 2009 covers Arup Group's performance in the key areas of sustainability and finance.

Despite the global recession, our performance was strong in 2009 and we made a real difference to communities and clients.

Arup's progress towards being a truly sustainable firm is a journey of improvement. With each step comes greater clarity and insight, such that exploration of sustainability now touches everything Arup does, including the way sustainability is approached on clients' behalf.

Today, much of Arup's focus is on helping clients to plan for an unpredictable future and to prepare for a low carbon economy, devising solutions to these challenges in both the developed and developing world.

Arup's financial performance continued to be strong in 2009, but the worldwide economic recession created difficult trading conditions for the firm, as for many in the industry. These conditions will continue to challenge many markets for some time, but the downturn has not affected everywhere equally, and some businesses and locations continue to thrive. Fortunately, Arup is a diverse organisation with a flexible approach to business that remains attractive to many clients.

The firm's trust ownership helps kindle an independence of spirit that is reflected in its people and its work. As we enter 2010, Arup aims to continue to make a real difference for clients and the communities in which it works. The focus on creating meaningful, future-proof solutions will ensure that the firm is well prepared for the economic recovery to come.


Corporate Report 2009