We have made a commitment to be a net zero organisation by 2030. We will achieve this by pursuing an ambitious 1.5ºC aligned science-based target for our full value chain emissions and compensating residual hard-to-decarbonise emissions with certified greenhouse gas removal. 


Our Sustainable Development Policy commits us to making a meaningful contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDG13 requires us to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts, including reducing emissions to align with global commitments.

To achieve net zero emissions in our operations by 2030 we will:

  • Reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions globally 30% by 2025 from a 2018 base year.
  • Reduce scope 3 GHG emissions globally 30% by 2025 from 2018 base year.
  • Purchase Gold Standard certified offsets that remove greenhouse gases to offset all domestic and international flights.
  • From 2030 compensate for other residual hard-to decarbonise emissions with high quality certified greenhouse gas removal.

Every part of our firm has a role to play in our becoming a net zero organisation.

  • We will develop a global GHG Management Plan, and region GHG Management Plans which will identify region targets for Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, priorities for action, investment, governance and reporting.
  • We will increase the proportion of renewable energy consumed in our offices and vehicles.
  • We will review our global, region and office purchasing practices to reduce consumption, and minimise waste.
  • We will establish the Arup Carbon Fund applying a carbon tax of $40 per tonnes CO2e on all domestic and international flights. This will be used to purchase high quality certified offsets at market rates and accelerate our own and others’ efforts to decarbonise.
  • We will consider alternative working practices, review the location of our offices, and provide information and support to employees on sustainable transport options to/from our offices.
  • We will integrate our carbon reduction plans through the application of our Environment Policy and Arup Environmental Management Systems certified to ISO14001.
  • We will comply with the reporting requirements of the Science Based Target initiative.
  • We will communicate our progress to our clients and stakeholders via our Annual Report.

This statement is made on behalf of the Arup Group Board in line with the policies that it sets and is implemented across all Arup operations through rules, procedures and guidance. It is reviewed and approved annually, or more frequently if appropriate.


Arup GHG Emissions Statement
Net Zero Carbon Strategy