Arup supports policies and practices that will lead to government and business solutions that work for all. In addition to our global commitments, listed here, each of our regions, countries and local offices have made their own commitments, helping to pioneer new industry standards and a sustainable future.

Net Zero Carbon Strategy

In 2020, Arup committed to achieving net zero emissions across its entire operations by 2030, reducing its scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas emissions by 30% within the next five years and set out a plan of how this would be achieved – via our Net Zero Carbon Strategy.

Download our Net Zero Carbon Strategy

Download our Net Zero GHG emissions statement

Decarbonisation commitments

We have committed to undertaking whole lifecycle carbon assessments for all buildings projects – new and retrofit. In addition to this, we will not be taking on any new energy commissions involving the extraction, refinement, or transportation of hydrocarbon-based fuels. 

Read more about our commitments

Science Based Targets initiative 

We are committed to reducing our own carbon emissions. Our target with SBTi commits us to an absolute reduction of 29.4% in our emissions across each scope by 2025 (from the 2018 baseline). The target laid out in our Net Zero Carbon strategy, was validated by the Science Based Target initiative, and has been classified as ambitious as it exceeds the minimum requirements for keeping global temperature rise under 1.5°C.

Race to Zero

Arup has reaffirmed its commitment to become net zero by 2030 by signing up to the Race to Zero, a global campaign to rally businesses, cities, regions and investors to take action for a healthy, resilient, zero carbon recovery that prevents future threats, creates decent jobs and unlocks inclusive sustainable growth. The initiative commits members to achieving net zero emissions by 2050 at the very latest to limit global temperature rise to 1.5oC above pre-industrial level.

Find out more about the Race to Zero

Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment

Arup joined the WGBC’s Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment in 2020, a global initiative aimed at achieving 100% net zero carbon buildings in operation by 2050. In joining this initiative, the firm has also committed to reaching net zero carbon in operation for all assets under its control by 2030. The goal will be achieved by a range of measures including improving the performance of its building portfolio and moving to 100% renewable electricity by 2023.

In 2021, Arup signed the updated commitment, promising sector-leading action on whole life carbon emissions. The firm pledges to go further and faster to tackle operational and embodied emissions from real estate assets, stimulating the innovative approaches, solutions and business models necessary for the entire sector to reach 2050 goals. 

UN Global Compact

Arup became a signatory of the UN Global Compact in 2010, committing to the initiative and its ten principles with respect to human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption and to take actions that advance societal goals. This strongly aligns with our sustainability focused approach to our business, our people, our facilities and our external clients. 

Find out more about the UN Global Compact