Annual report
Annual Report 2021
Annual Report 2021
Annual Report 2023
Annual Report 2023

How we're governed
We recognise the value of transparency around organisational governance, how businesses are led and managed, and how stakeholder considerations are reflected in decision making, and our governance reflects that.
Creating Sustainable Futures is Arup’s strategy and purpose. It drives all work with our clients and the communities in which we are based and work. Arup’s members are determined to shape a better and more sustainable world - for all.
We recognise that creating real sustainable development requires combined economic, social, and environmental transformation on a global scale. Our contribution to making this transformation a reality is through our projects for clients. In this annual report we share examples of how our projects, designed and delivered on behalf of our clients and partners, are bringing sustainable development to life around the world.
To deliver on our sustainable development purpose, we announced two important decarbonisation commitments at the UN climate change conference, COP26: one is focused on our energy sector work and the other on our sustainable approach to building design. These commitments take us beyond simply reducing our own Scope 1–3 greenhouse gas emissions to achieve net zero by 2030 and into the wider world of how we deliver our work for clients.