Climate and sustainability consulting
We are now living with climate change – its impacts are being felt around the world. As a result, organisations need to redefine how they plan, invest, and operate. International regulation is reframing the investment landscape. Vital national commitments like net zero present different sectors of the economy with particular challenges, requiring detailed foresight and planning.
Arup helps organisations to evaluate the specific climate and sustainability issues they are facing now and in the future. We produce whole-organisation plans to prepare companies and organisations to become truly net zero. Our advice spans economic planning, environmental, energy and sustainability expertise, business strategy and regulatory compliance. Climate change is a challenge for all of us, we can help you recalibrate for the net zero era and maintain a thriving organisation.
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Paula Kirk
Paula Kirk is Arup’s Global Climate and Sustainability Leader.

Ilana Judah
Associate Principal

Joan Ko
As climate and sustainability leader for Australasia, Joan directs Arup’s services in decarbonisation, sustainability, social value, adaptation and resilience, environment and biodiversity, and the circular economy.

Vincent Cheng
Vincent is an Arup Fellow and Director of Climate and Sustainability Services Leader in East Asia, as well as leading our Integrated Energy Systems experts in the region.

Susana Saiz
Susana Saiz is the Regional Leader for Climate and Sustainability Services at Arup in Europe.

Diane Emerson
Diane Emerson is the Climate and Sustainability Leader of Arup’s UK, India, Middle East and Africa region.