Dennis Ho

Dennis Ho


  • East Asia Design Leader
  • East Asia Architecture Leader
  • East Asia Sports Architecture Leader
  • East Asia Transport Architecture Leader

Dennis leads Arup East Asia Design and Arup East Asia Urban Innovation Unit. He is also the East Asia Architecture Skills Lead.  

As a UK chartered architect, an urban designer, and a city strategist, Dennis is passionate about regenerative placemaking and sustainable design, through a wholistic and collaborative approach.

Dennis has worked with major international clients, leading large multidisciplinary teams across different regions on complex projects, ranging from city-scale master plans to highly specialized buildings, creating user-focused, impactful, and sustainable solutions, such as the Hong Kong Shenzhen Innovation & Technology Park.

Dennis is the current Chair of the Royal Institute of British Architects Hong Kong Chapter, Council Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design, Scientific Committee Member of the Hong Kong Professional Green Building Council, and Taskforce member of the Hong Kong Harbourfront Commission.

Dennis is a founder of HUBs, a forum that encourages discourses on high density and nature-based urban habitats. He is a regular reviewer at major universities in East Asia and speaks regularly in international conferences. He judges in multiple international architecture and design awards. His award-winning net-zero carbon concept 'Taikoo Green Ribbon' was exhibited at the Venice Biennale Architettura 2023.