Shane Myrbeck

Shane Myrbeck

Associate Principal

  • Americas SoundLab Leader

Shane is an Associate Principal in Arup’s Los Angeles office. He offers expertise in room acoustics, interactive and multisensory installation design, and audiovisual systems. 

He is a global lead for Arup's SoundLab, an immersive 3-D sound studio used for simulating sonic environments. Shane is also the Americas Skills Network Leader for the Acoustics, Audiovisual, Theatre and Experience Design discipline. 

As an experienced project manager, he leads multidisciplinary teams in a variety of sectors. He specializes in clear communication and distillation of complicated abstract ideas.

Shane is also a sound artist, and his work is exhibited regularly nationwide; with Arup, he has collaborated with such artists as Björk and Lou Reed. Residencies include San Francisco’s Exploratorium and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.