To many people, “biodiversity in cities” is an oxymoron. On the contrary, there is much biodiversity in cities essential for sustainability, liveability and ecological resilience in urban life. 

As today’s major challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss are intricately interlinked, they must be addressed by leveraging nature-based solutions at local, regional and global levels. With more than half of the human population residing in cities, biodiversity conservation can only succeed - and climate change can only be reversed - if cities take the lead.

In this context, this white paper harnesses and draws on current knowledge, data and workable initiatives to guide cities towards the implementation and achievement of being BiodiverCities by 2030. We hereby provide the case for urban leaders from the public and private sectors, as well as citizen movements, to conserve, connect, restore and enhance natural urban ecosystems, by outlining actions for nature-spatial integration, urban governance and investment mobilization. The time to act is now.

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BiodiverCities by 2030: transforming cities relationship with nature