Filtered insights
What is integrated water management?

City Resilience Framework

Urban extreme heat planning: it takes a city

City Competitiveness Redefined: which cities will thrive in the era of climate change?

Electricity grids: preparing Southeast Asia’s energy transmission and distribution for climate uncertainty

The strategic advantage of assessing climate risk now

A Partnership for Progress – the Government to Government partnership between the UK and Peru

Rail Resilience Framework

A Universal Taxonomy for Natural Hazard and Climate Risk and Resilience Assessments

Urban Heat Snapshot

Protecting Australian wine and vines from water scarcity

From risk to resilience: the intersection between climate change and safety

How does the rail industry find space to prioritise resilience planning and investment?

Measuring Resilience: A Guide to Tracking Progress

Why resilience and climate adaptation are critical to urban planning across the Gulf region

A world under water: what deadly and costly flooding means for the future

Digital Cities, Resilient Cities Delivering urban resilience through digital solutions

How human centred design can boost resilience to climate change

How should transport systems approach climate resilience?

Protecting coastlines and communities with nature-based solutions