Developing integrated strategies for transport at the strategic national, regional or city scale is central to how real accessibility and connection are achieved. Today there is ever more pressure to produce sustainable transport systems, ones that connect city centres with peripheral areas, open up new urban districts, often removing non-essential motorised traffic to create more accessible, liveable places.

In our work on major transport infrastructure, Arup helps clients to develop the business case and support the planning and design process. Our integrated approach to real estate development, transport and infrastructure delivers cost-effective, efficient and sustainable solutions.

Learn more about our transport consulting service.

Discover our work on the most eco-friendly and well connected train stations in the UK: HS2 Interchange.

Delivering accessible and connected cities takes time and tenacity. Learn how Arup shaped London’s Elizabeth line since its initial conception back in the 1980s, and helped to ensure the new service would provide tangible social and economic benefits along its entire route.