Hydrogen is crucial for decarbonising transport across the world. As technology rapidly scales up and matures, the cost of green hydrogen is falling. It’s fast becoming a technically and commercially viable proposition for transport worldwide.

Across New Zealand, collaboration in green hydrogen is taking place. Decisions about production investments, storage, transportation and distribution requires careful consideration. Scalable development must consider cost, delivery lead times, technology maturity and readiness, value chain integration, local fuel strategy and community benefits. 

New Zealand’s aviation industry now has a significant opportunity to transition some use cases to green hydrogen. A pilot green hydrogen hub at an airport provides a testbed to accelerate this transition. . 

This report supports New Zealand’s transition to 100% renewable energy and highlights New Zealand’s aim to be a globally recognised place for advanced aviation and the wider aerospace industry to locate business, research and innovation.

The report presents the:

  • rationale for utilising pilot green hydrogen hubs at New Zealand airports
  • elements needed to trial a green hydrogen hub
  • benefits and challenges of green hydrogen hubs in New Zealand.

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Pilot Hydrogen Hubs for Trialling Advanced Aviation in New Zealand