Rail and urban transport are the lifeblood of our towns, cities, and regions. They stimulate economic activity, support climate goals, and facilitate social inclusion.

This independent assessment, commissioned by the Labour Party while in opposition, explores how a future government could accelerate the delivery of improved connectivity within and between the UK’s towns and cities to harness these vital benefits and power us into the decades ahead.

With Labour now in government, it is hoped that this assessment and its recommendations will serve as a strong foundation for future transport policy, ensuring that public transport becomes a key enabler for a greener and more prosperous UK. 

The Secretariat for the Review was the Urban Transport Group and Arup provided technical advice, policy and public affairs expertise including the development of the report.

Arup is dedicated to delivering the recommendations set out in the report and ensure that public transport becomes much more of an enabler for a greener and more prosperous UK.

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The rail and urban transport review: an assessment and ambition for a new government