We conduct research and support stakeholders with plans and action focused on the sustainable development of ocean and coastal resources and sectors for the benefit of current and future generations. This field is also known as the ‘blue economy’.

Our work in the blue economy covers a range of services and expertise. We conduct baseline research, analyse policies, develop strategic plans, and advise on coastal climate adaptation and mitigation actions. Additionally, we provide financial analysis services and institutional support for ocean stakeholders and sectors, including ports, coastal tourism, fishing, waterfront development, and ocean renewables. We also consider the broader enabling environment which can support or undermine the performance of these sectors, such as transport connections, waste management, and how the blue economy can contribute to education and skills development.

Our projects include the baseline study of coastal cities across the Western Indian Ocean region for Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) and UN-Habitat; the development of a blue economy compendium of best practice global projects; and support to the government of Madagascar in their blue economy planning efforts across multiple regions.