All children have a basic right to education, in schools and campuses that are fit for purpose and where they can thrive in an uncertain world. Quality schools are a key part of delivering quality education. We believe that quality schools embody six key principles:

  • safer and resilient to shocks and stresses
  • environmental sustainability
  • culturally and socially appropriate
  • inclusive, accessible and child friendly
  • adaptable and flexible 
  • compliant and innovative

Quality schools

Safety, security, and resilience are paramount. By understanding current and future risks, as well as the  impacts of climate change, we ensure that schools create a secure environment for learning. Environment sustainability is integral to our approach. We plan and design schools and campuses in a way that minimises environmental impact, considering the site, materials, resources, construction methods and energy demand to create a more sustainable future.

Cultural and social appropriateness are also essential considerations. Recognising the diverse needs and preferences within communities, we strive to provide schools that resonate within the local context and community. Developing flexible, inclusive and accessible learning spaces that work well for all children, is key.  

We work to ensure our projects meet any local regulatory requirements, whilst bringing in international good practice, while our innovation drives us to continually improve and adapt to emerging challenges. In our commitment to excellence, we integrate these principles throughout the project lifecycle, from strategic planning to operation.

It’s vital that any approach to educational development can be delivered and replicated at scale. We have extensive experience advising, planning and supporting governments and other implementation bodies to deliver major school infrastructure programmes.

This includes:

  • evaluating school infrastructure in low and middle income countries to develop a comprehensive baseline to inform improvement plans.
  • developing prioritised intervention, implementation and investment plans for improved school infrastructure, (across safety and resilience, energy efficiency or improved learning environments).
  • providing recovery and reconstruction after natural disasters of schools, incorporating ‘building back better’ approaches to produce more resilient educational infrastructure.