Expanding healthcare infrastructure and provision in developing economies comes with its own set of local drivers and challenges. We work with governments, aid agencies, development banks and local communities to develop business cases, robust strategies and economic policies to make sound procurement decisions and investments in local healthcare systems and services. We also offer technical due diligence and financial advice, backed by technical, economic and operational insights.

We work as a full advisory partner on public-private partnership projects, identifying and prioritising long-term goals, and listening to those who will benefit from the project. Resilience is key and we take a holistic approach, considering supporting infrastructure such as roads and energy as well as the hospital itself. We work at national, province and city levels, working with insights into local climate risks and plans for mitigation.

The patient experience

It’s vital to focus on the patient experience, by delivering safety, privacy, cultural and social appropriateness, agency and comfort for patients and staff. For example, applying our acoustics expertise to reduce noise levels within wards, improves patient recovery times. Maximising daylight reduces stress for both staff and patients.

Our research into infection control helps us to influence design choices to reduce infection rates in hospital, for example by ventilation design or spatial planning for single occupancy rooms. Our logistics specialists consider the patient, staff, visitor and goods flows to find cost efficiencies and improve services. Our accessibility team offers key expertise in making healthcare services inclusive to all its users.

Sustainable design is also central to our approach. Efficient design can both lower operating costs and reduce environmental impacts, such as with water re-use, energy efficient equipment and natural ventilation. For example, our mechanical engineers test the best orientation of a building and areas of glazing and external solar shading to ensure a comfortable environment for staff and patients and reduce energy costs.