Organised by Arup, the ‘Reimagining a sustainable future: Our lives ∙ Our community ∙ Our Hong Kong’ video competition successfully concluded with enthusiastic response and creative videos from local youths. 

As a collective of designers, consultants and experts dedicated to sustainable development, we actively engage local youths with knowledge sharing and inspiration beyond our contribution to the built environment. This competition encouraged students to take ownership of our city’s future by reimagining sustainable spaces and urban living through a 1-minute video.

Riding on the success of the first edition in 2021, we received around 200 entries created by 600 secondary students from over 75 schools in Hong Kong this year. Participants spared no efforts in offering innovative solutions tailored for our city and local communities, manifesting their sustainable visions on renewable energy, waste management, green building design and community redevelopment. 

The results of the competition were announced on the competition website and the winning entries are available for viewing on Arup’s YouTube channel.

Supported by local youth-oriented organisations including the Chinese YMCA of Hong KongLa Violet EducationSt. James’ SettlementThe Women’s Foundation, and The Zubin Foundation, the video competition aimed to raise public awareness of a sustainable future through the minds and eyes of the younger generation. During the competition, students learned about UN Sustainable Development Goals and video production techniques, delivered by both our technical experts and an external filmmaking expert.

We are committed to engaging with local teenagers and fostering their interest in the built environment and sustainable development. The competition serves
as a great opportunity for us to reinforce the importance of sustainability to the whole society and inspire innovative ideas from our next generation, laying the
groundwork of our city development in future.

Andy Lee

East Asia Region Chair