Global sustainable development consultancy Arup has been appointed to develop a new sustainability vision and strategy for Scottish Rugby.

In 2022, Scottish Rugby announced its support for the United Nations Sport for Climate Change Action Framework, outlining a need for the global sporting community to incorporate climate change and its impacts into future business strategy. Arup will support Scottish Rugby embed a culture dedicated to ESG considerations, demonstrating the organisation as a pioneer of sporting sustainability.

Arup’s sustainability expertise will enable the implementation of the required actions outlined in the strategy, utilising the firm’s extensive breadth of global sporting and ESG measurement framework experience.

The strategy will support Scottish Rugby’s alignment to World Rugby’s Environment Sustainability Plan (ESP) which aims to halve emissions by 2030 and achieve net zero by 2040.

Delivering the organisation’s new sustainability vision will encourage key topics, including climate action, circular economy, and nature protection to be brought to the forefront of the global sporting community’s conversation. The strategy will set a new precedent in establishing an ESG agenda in the industry, illustrating a pathway for sporting organisations to identify and achieve sustainability goals.

Arup offers a level of excellence in the sustainability sphere and, as such, is well-placed to help us forge our strategic aims, including agreeing what our vision should be and delivering targets that we all sign up to and on which we can be measured. 

Mark Laidlaw

Director of Stadium Development and Operations, Scottish Rugby

Scottish Rugby has the ability to influence and impact in working towards a more sustainable future. We have a good understanding of where we are and there is a genuine drive within Scottish Rugby and wider stakeholders about where we want to get to. Arup are specialists in this area, they’re very diligent and have led widespread research into the sector. 

Jamie Farndale

Sustainability Ambassador, Scottish Rugby