Arup has been appointed by the Civil Engineering and Development Department and the Planning Department of the Hong Kong SAR Government to lead a joint venture with AtkinsRéalis on the investigation consultancy works of Lau Fau Shan, Tsim Bei Tsui, and Pak Nai Areas (collectively referred as LFS), following our successful delivery of the Land-use Review Study for the same area.

We have applied best urban practices to shape a sustainable future of LFS, transforming the area into a ‘New Digi Bay’. Fronting Deep Bay with an extended coastline and rich natural habitats, this area is designated for developing eco-tourism and liveable neighbourhoods, complemented by a variety of eco-recreational activities. We have judicially proposed a broad land-use concept to preserve the natural resources, and promote biodiversity through a blue-green strategy, an open space network and enhanced ecological connectivity. To achieve urban-rural integration, we recommend ensuring design harmony between new developments and existing villages, and the rural and natural environment, utilising sensible built forms while preserving and revitalising natural and cultural elements. 

Wilfred Lau, Arup Fellow, said “We are honoured to continue providing our multidisciplinary services in shaping LFS. By adopting our well-practiced Smart Green Resilient approach, Nature-based Solutions and beyond, we are dedicated to positioning LFS as the New Digi Bay, fostering synergies between Northern Metropolis, Qianhai and Nanshan, and creating a vibrant, sustainable, and liveable neighbourhood.” 

Leveraging our total design experience, the study team will integrate findings from various disciplines to formulate a forward-looking masterplan founded firmly on technical feasibility. Our holistic services cover economic and land-use planning, urban and landscape design, environment and ecology, transport planning, sustainability strategies, digital environment along with key engineering inputs in geotechnics, highways, drainage, sewerage, water supply, and implementation strategy.

LFS is a key component of the High-end Professional Services and Logistics Hub in Northern Metropolis. We look forward to bringing our knowledge and visionary solutions to enhance LFS’s biodiversity and connectivity, unlocking its value as a digital technology hub and a future eco-tourism exemplar. 

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