Final Grenfell Tower report published
Final Grenfell Tower report published
Last updated: 4th September 2024
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Arup acknowledges the publication of the final report of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry and the significance of its findings. The devastating fire on 14 June 2017 and the subsequent discovery of defects in so many other buildings in the United Kingdom and around the globe, resulted in a serious erosion of public trust in the building sector that the industry needs to tackle.
The work of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry means we now have a profound understanding of systemic issues in the built environment industry. The result must be a long-term commitment to change and a substantial shift in accountability throughout the sector.
Dr Barbara Lane, Arup Fellow, served as Independent Expert to the Inquiry along with experts in the Arup fire team.
As Dr Lane notes:
“The Inquiry’s recommendations will be important in contributing to an effective and equitable fire safety system and I hope that they will be adopted in full without delay. These latest recommendations from the Inquiry also serve as a reminder that we still have a great deal more to do. Not just in ensuring that we don’t repeat the mistakes of the past, but also to ensure that we actively demonstrate a change in safety standards for all people who live and work in the built environment."
“The end of the Inquiry’s work must mark the beginning of a renewed commitment to reshape the culture of fire safety in the whole life cycle of buildings, both in the UK and around the globe.”
Arup will work with clients and partners to help ensure that the recommendations in the report act as a milestone on the road to a transformed fire safety culture. This change is needed to both tackle the issues faced by existing properties and to deliver fire safe new buildings, given the risks produced by ever more sophisticated building materials and technologies.
Barbara Lane
Fellow, Fire Safety Engineering, Arup