Arup, ACPV ARCHITECTS, and Asset and P’arcnouveau have developed the winning masterplan design for the regeneration of Rome’s former Fiera trade fairgrounds. Named ‘La Città della Gioia’, the masterplan design will transform the site and its surrounds into an inclusive, sustainable space where nature, play, and social interaction co-exist.

The masterplan takes a proactive approach to urban planning to diversify the use of public space, improve quality of life, and create healthy and vibrant communities. With half of the total 7.6 hectares designated as green and public spaces, the masterplan provides opportunities for learning, growth, active lifestyle and healthy aging practices that respond to users’ needs.

A key objective of the design is to effectively combine ecological transition with value generation for local communities. Arup’s specialists have created a sustainability strategy with a particular focus on circularity, carbon emissions reduction, climate change adaptation, urban energy, as well as social value.

Sara Candiracci, Social Value and Equity services leader, Arup, said: “By incorporating child- and family-friendly design solutions that consider differences in gender, age, and ability, the masterplan aims to foster informal learning and social development through play. Working with our partners, we strive to create environments that inspire creativity and promote both mental and physical wellbeing.”

Patricia Viel, CEO and Founder of ACPV ARCHITECTS, said: “‘La Città della Gioia’ restores meaning and purpose to a large urban portion of Rome, making public space an educational, inclusive and intergenerational experience.”

Rome’s former Fiera urban regeneration aims to promote decarbonisation, climate resilience, and circularity, actively involving local stakeholders in the process. The goal is to create a development project that serves as a model for future urban transformation programmes in Rome.

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