Bau Town, on the far western side of Sarawak, has a rich history as a gold mining town from the 1820s. To move towards a prosperous future, the Economic Planning Unit (EPU) Sarawak wanted to develop a diversified economic outlook for the whole Bau District that includes Bau Town and its surrounding sub-regions. 

Bau’s unique biodiversity and ecology called for a framework leading with environmental protection with a focus on climate and social resiliency. A wide range of endemic flora and karst ecology is found in the region and there is a wealth of customs and cultural diversity across the state.

We were appointed by Jurubina Unireka to conduct a masterplan study for the EPU. Our work included a development planning framework and strategies for socioeconomic growth including innovations in green township facilities for the Bau district.

We developed the Bau Masterplan Study 2030 and provided strategic direction and spatial planning that aligned with economic findings, transportation plans, and compliances with infrastructure for economic activities.

These strategies will advance infrastructure and sustainable development, raising standards of liveability, and the growth of nature-based and community-based tourism.

The proposed activities and catalyst projects under the masterplan are forecasted to grow Bau district’s economy and, if successful, could contribute RM2.4 billion to the economy and create 44,000 full-time jobs.

Economic planning

We proposed strategies to ensure everyone benefits, including economic growth, job creation, and improving people’s lives in a fair and lasting way. 

The district is susceptible to floods, landslides and sinkholes, so long-term climate resilience is a critical strategy.

With Bau’s mountainous terrain in mind, we prioritised local resource-based industrial sectors near roadways and water sources to encourage infrastructure development in those areas, supporting businesses, accessibility and general improvements.

Collaboration with Arup was intellectually exciting. Arup brought new integrated perspectives to our strategic planning, well supported by Arup’s unique methodology.

Lau Hui Ho

Principal, Jurubina Unireka

We positioned housing zones away from hazard-prone regions and placed them near essential services such as health clinics, markets, police stations and fire stations.  

We integrated green corridors and green initiatives into our spatial planning and presented sustainable development opportunities. 

Beyond natural and man-made infrastructure, our team considered social resiliency in the preservation of cultures and customs, and job diversification and skills development.

Social value and equity

We prioritised the tourism, industry, and opportunities sectors by geographical region as part of the regional expansion strategy. This supports regions to capitalise on their unique assets, local industry and natural environments to establish short-term growth and long-term success. 

This approach moves towards nature-based and community-based tourism, steering away from the traditional mining-based economy. 

We ran multi-criteria analysis, or suitability analysis, for different industries within the Bau district using geographic information systems (GIS) tools to ensure accuracy. 

The masterplan aims to provide clarity, vision, strategic direction, and ideas to catalyse Bau’s economic growth and empower citizens through greater systematic and sustainable opportunities.