Located in Mauritius, the Beau Plan Smart City is poised to develop one of the country’s first smart cities.

Spanning over 230 ha, this ambitious project by Novaterra is designed to accommodate over 1,750 residential units, a business district with 540,000 square meters of high-end offices, varied retail options, and a wide array of commercial, leisure, and educational facilities. Set against the backdrop of the region's breathtaking natural scenery and historic sugar cane trade, the BPSC is designed to preserve the region's rich history and tranquil landscape.

Novaterra partnered with Arup to realise its vision for BPSC. Operating from our Bagatelle office, our team offered a comprehensive suite of services, including civil engineering, water engineering, electrical engineering, and transport planning. While designing the smart city’s infrastructure, our water engineering specialists restored the region's deteriorated irrigation systems to rejuvenate the area's traditional sugar cane industry. Moreover, we enhanced the development's resilience to flooding by incorporating a variety of nature-based solutions, such as vegetated canals and water retention ponds. These eco-friendly interventions mitigate flooding risks and significantly lower the development's carbon footprint compared to conventional concrete structures.

Our transportation planning emphasised ecological preservation by adjusting road layouts to safeguard existing treelines and other natural features. Furthermore, our collaboration with smart technology firm, Digital Twin, allowed us to integrate a cutting-edge IoT (internet of things) platform throughout the development. This platform manages the electrical and water metering systems and the street lighting network, enabling energy and cost savings through enhanced operational efficiency and generating valuable data for future improvements. Upon completion, BPSC is set to be a dynamic, sustainable, and community-focused environment designed to be conducive to living, working, playing, learning, and creating.