Dartford, England’s second fastest growing borough, faces significant flood risks due to its proximity to the Thames Estuary and River Darent. The borough’s rapid growth and the need for climate resilience highlight the importance of promoting a sustainable approach to future development. 

Arup was commissioned to create a cohesive riverside vision, enhancing consistent flood defences and connectivity between the river and town centre and surrounding communities. We collaborated closely with Dartford Borough Council, the Environment Agency and stakeholders to deliver a forward-thinking strategy that unifies the Lower Darent with a cohesive placemaking vision.

Our approach included workshops, interviews, extensive policy reviews and detailed site analysis, resulting in best practice guidance. At the centre of the strategy is the incorporation of nature-based solutions (NbS) as a tool that enhances flood protection and placemaking, while also promoting active travel. The strategy outlines key design principles, concept designs and a toolkit for four distinct landscape and urban character areas within Dartford Borough

The strategy, one of the first in the southeast, delivers a visionary placemaking and flood defence plan for 2030. It is aligned with the Thames Estuary 2100 plan, a long-term strategy to manage flood risk in the Thames Estuary through adaptive measures and infrastructure improvements up to the year 2100.

The plan has been adopted by Dartford Borough Council and referenced in the Dartford Local Plan, ensuring sustainable riverside development. By integrating nature and human systems, it leverages environmental, social, cultural and economic benefits. This approach provides cost-effective flood management and habitat restoration and significantly enhances resilience. 

Mitigating flood risk though nature-based solutions 

Over 90% of Dartford lies within flood risk zones, making it highly vulnerable to flooding. High tides and river levels can cause tidal locking, preventing watercourses from discharging. While the current flooding risk in Dartford Town Centre is low, this risk will increase due to aging defences and climate change.

The Lower Darent Strategy integrates nature-based solutions (NbS) and sustainability measures to raise flood defences by 0.5m by 2040 and another 0.5m by 2090, aligning with the TE2100 Plan. It promotes blue and green infrastructure, re-naturalising river stretches and proposing managed re-alignment in marshes to reconnect the river with its floodplain. This approach mitigates flood risk through natural processes, creating and restoring diverse habitats while enhancing water storage and flood defences.

In urban areas, river edges are integrated into the landscape, creating social spaces that connect the community to the river and increase river capacity. This strategy stimulates economic growth, protects the community and sets a benchmark for climate adaptation.

Connecting communities and enhancing active travel

Recognising the Darent as a natural barrier, the new strategy will enhance access and connectivity to foster vibrant community connections. New bridge locations and improvements to cycle and pedestrian paths will seamlessly link major routes like the Thames Path and National Cycle Route 1 with the Darent Valley Path.  

Further strategic investments in infrastructure, obstacle removal and robust safety measures will break down barriers, making the Darent Valley Path more inclusive, well-connected and sustainable. Residents' quality of life will be enhanced with ease of access to local centres, public transport and educational facilities. This positive transformation will create a more resilient and connected community. 

The Lower Darent Riverside Strategy, produced by Arup, now forms part of Dartford Borough Council’s planning guidance with recommendations and toolkits
for riverside developments and flood alleviation in Dartford town centre

Mark Aplin

Strategic Planning & Infrastructure Manager, Dartford Borough Council

Regenerating nature 

The Lower Darent Riverside Strategy aims to restore a sustainable, climate-resilient ecosystem. It protects the green belt and enhancing the marshes to establish the Inner Marshes Conservation Park. By addressing water quantity, quality and habitat, the strategy will rejuvenate the River Darent chalk stream. This transformation will create a wildlife corridor reconnecting various habitats throughout the riverside, while also including a fish and eel passage. Building on the existing work by Dartford Borough Council and Kent Wildlife trust, the project protects various species, including water voles, wetland birds, bats, glow worms, dormice and rare plants. 

As well as re-naturalising the river, key interventions include, creating a new bund, integrating floodable spaces and reconnecting wetlands. Additionally reinstating pools and channels through maintenance and reprofiling as well as vegetation management, will create diverse habitats. Narrowing the river channel approximately 1.5km upstream will restore natural sediment transportation processes. This vision encompasses high-biodiversity areas, preserving undeveloped waterfronts and promoting environmental net gain.  


The Lower Darent Riverside Strategy sets a new standard for resilience and sustainability, leaving a lasting positive impact. It offers a comprehensive toolkit for future developments, detailing design principles, adaptive management, methodologies and funding opportunities.

The strategy offers an innovative approach to flood management and habitat restoration, serving as a model for other local authorities within the TE2100 catchment. Fundamental to the strategy and the areas growth include enhancing job access, bridging the community to economic opportunities, increasing housing, creating a more appealing and resilient environment.  

We commend Dartford’s forward-thinking attitude in commissioning Arup to produce the Lower Darent Riverside Strategy, making our riversides fit for the

Michael Wilkinson

Flood and Coastal Risk Management Advisor The Environment Agency  

South East Rivers Trust / London Borough of Bexley / Thames Water / Seven Oaks District Council / North West Kent Countryside / Kent Wildlife Trust / Dartford and Crayford Creek Restoration Trust