Located in the United Arab Emirates, Masdar City Mosque is part of the wider Masdar City development – which is globally recognised for its sustainable design. The mosque aims to set a new industry standard for houses of worship through an innovative design that blends environmental protection with cultural heritage and community building. Once built, it will become the world’s first net zero energy mosque.

Masdar City commissioned Arup to help achieve this aim. Our team prioritised a passive cooling approach for the mosque – which will be expected to house 1,300 people upon completion. We designed the shape and geometry of the building to circulate soft winds within its spaces, which will keep its visitors comfortable while minimising energy expenditure. The mosque’s circular design also reduces internal water consumption by 55% and redirects 100% of its recycled water to irrigate its outside gardens. 

In total, this design enables the mosque to use 35% less energy when compared with international baselines. When considering the energy regenerated by its solar panels, Masdar City Mosque will produce at least 100% of the energy it needs over the course of a year. With its passive cooling and water recycling design, the mosque offers a unique space in which community and sustainability combine under one roof, enabling Masdar City’s people to worship together within a tranquil and comfortable place.

Aerial view of Masdar City Mosque
Arup designed the net zero energy mosque in collaboration with Masdar City.