Following the devastating loss of lives and livelihoods during the El Niño climate cycle in 2017, the UK Department for International Trade signed a government-to-government agreement in June 2020 with the Government of Peru to help accelerate the reconstruction of vital schools, health facilities and flood protection.

The UK Delivery Team (UKDT) made up of experts from Arup, Mace and Gleeds has been working with the Authority for Reconstruction with Changes to apply international best practice to the delivery of vital infrastructure and facilities that will protect and benefit millions of people along the coastal regions of Peru. 

The Government-to-Government (G2G) partnership is supporting the reconstruction of 74 schools and 18 new or completely rebuilt hospitals and health facilities.

To protect communities against future extreme weather events, the UKDT is accelerating the implementation of sustainable flood prevention by improving 17 river basins, 5 gullies and 7 urban drainage systems across seven regions.

A national Early Warning System is also being implemented to help the public prepare and reduce the impact of natural disasters in high-risk areas.

BIM technology video for Peru reconstruction with changes
Through Building Information Modelling (BIM), the UKDT is making the design and construction more efficient to improve building operation and maintenance.

Transferring knowledge to build capacity in Peru

A large-scale transfer of the UKDT’s specialist knowledge runs through every aspect of the programme. Through on-the-job learning, informal learning and formal training, we are helping to build capacity in Peru’s national and regional officials, contractors and other industry professionals so they can deliver critical infrastructure and public facilities independently and sustainably.

To date, more than 10,000 training certificates have been issued following more than 800 workshops, 100 knowledge cafés and Q&A sessions with UKDT specialists. An online training platform with more than 250 modules will benefit Peru professionals long after the programme is concluded, leaving a legacy of ongoing learning.

Building natural resilience

Reforestation, new planting and natural earthworks will be used to manage water and reduce flood risk across the coast of Peru. The equivalent of 20,000 football pitches of land (51,100 hectares) will be terraced, shaped and planted with 56 million tree seedlings to manage water, reduce landslides and erosion, capture carbon and create and restore natural and sustainable green spaces for wildlife, farming and communities.

The project has been designed with and for local communities. In one area alone, Lacramarca, 55,000 people will benefit from this approach and the reduction of the risk of landslides and floods.

The trees will be propagated in large high-tech nurseries and then acclimatised in local nurseries. The investment in these nurseries and management of this land will create an innovative approach to planning and implementing nature-based solutions in Peru, generating thousands of jobs and training opportunities.

Reconstructing hope for a safer and more sustainable Peru
A short film that showcased the Peru Reconstruction With Changes programme at COP26 in 2021.

Leaving a digital legacy

The UKDT has developed and delivered an integrated suite of digital tools to support functions and the long-term management of infrastructure across the programme. The tools, which have been built on a common data platform, will help drive innovation across infrastructure programmes in Peru, including an integrated GIS data platform, a learning portal, a stakeholder management platform, a social cost-benefit analyser and a digital platform for design reviews.

These best-in-class technologies help reduce risks, support effective decision-making and enable the efficient delivery of the programme and operating the facilities and infrastructure through their whole life-cycle, leaving a practical legacy for the future. 

A partnership for international best practice

The government-to-government agreement between the UK and Peru is an example of how public bodies and specialist organisations can collaborate and share expertise to deliver resilient infrastructure and facilities critical to people’s lives and livelihoods. By transferring knowledge, tools and international best practice approaches, the partnership is building capacity in Peru to deliver value now and for generations to come.

Following three years of progress helping to accelerate the Peru Reconstruction programme, the Peru and UK Governments continue to work together for a safer and more sustainable Peru. We are supporting partners in the transition from construction to operation, of high-quality schools and hospitals as they open, and supporting the implementation implementation of integrated solutions for flood prevention projects, which will benefit over 4 million Peruvians. As facilities and infrastructure completes, the UKDT continues to embed the primary legacy of the partnership – investing in building Peru’s capacity to deliver safe and sustainable infrastructure and public facilities.