The third Millennium edition of the Arup Journal looks at a number of projects around the world, beginning with an exploration of our role in helping Credit Suisse First Boston double their existing office capacity in London's Canary Wharf.

Discover Sony's new HQ in Europe, part of the redevelopment of Potsdamer Platz in Berlin. Arup designed the spectacular hyperbolic cone roof for the building, supported 41m above the Forum at seven points. Elsewhere in Germany explore the new headquarters for GSW, a provider of social housing. Arup’s work put the need to reduce energy consumption at the heat of the building's design.

In America, we look at the new Alfred Lerner Hall at New York's Colombia University for which we provided a range of services including mechanical, electrical, public health and lighting engineering design services. 

Back in the UK, we look at Walsall's new Walsall Art Gallery which has been designed to the highest standards of gallery environment design.

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The Arup Journal 2000 - Issue 2