Building organisational capability to enhance resilience
Another recommendation from The Mair Report was to transform NR’s drainage and lineside asset management processes, including creating new career progression and development programmes for NR staff. As the lead consultant on DLAP, we brought an integrated team of asset management, digital, advisory and engineering professionals to support NR in driving this change.
A first of its kind in the UK transport sector, we developed a national-level water management strategy which provides an approach for managing assets such as earthworks and drainage with greater resilience. The strategy also promotes the use of sustainable solutions and community engagement as a means of addressing climate related risks in a more holistic and joined up way. Following its publication, we have been working with NR to shape its involvement in catchment partnership groups to proactively promote better environmental and social outcomes.
To complement the strategy, we also created a drainage asset strategy and a host of asset policies for both drainage and lineside. Based on the 'line of sight' principle of asset management, we developed tools that translate strategic objectives and policy statements into practical business planning, making factors like resilience and sustainability integral to the process.
For the workforce, we supported NR in developing and embedding a new drainage and lineside competency standard. This was translated into a curriculum structure and map which NR can use to enhance staff skills across competencies – including resilience and the effective management of climate change risk. To facilitate communication, engagement and change management across the organisation, we harnessed best-practice business psychology principles. We placed a strong focus on stakeholder participation to support learning and help the NR team fully understand its capabilities.