Climate change impacts are already projected to cost the global economy $54tr by 2040 – understanding which threats a business, community or organisation faces is now a pressing priority. Beyond climate change, organisations need to be aware of risks from a range of related issues including security threats, infrastructure failure, and social unrest.

Arup’s climate change risk, resilience and adaptation team works with partners and clients across policy making, city planning, design, critical infrastructure and asset management, to ensure organisations and communities understand vulnerabilities and can become resilient to relevant threats. 

We are committed to greater equity. Our work is based on a fundamentally humane approach to design and development, where the needs of the whole community are always central to any solution. We work with clients in international bodies, national government agencies, statutory services as well as critical infrastructure providers, local authorities and commercial property owners.

Building your resilience

Our approach can be applied at any stage or context, depending on the nature of your resilience risk. Our consultants use the International Panel on Climate Change’s latest reports to provide the most up-to-date and locally specific insights. 

There are three main elements to our service, which clients can access at any stage, working as a seamless, continuous process:


We provide a detailed evaluation of existing risks and threats. This will include climate risk assessment and an identification of hazard vulnerabilities. We can provide high level risk assessments through to quantitative, probabilistic assessments that help clients make investment decisions. The range of initial assessments includes:

  • Climate vulnerability assessments
  • Physical and transition risk assessments
  • Resilience assessment and measurement (city and household)


We work with you to define an adaptation plan that allows you to make investments on an as-needed, adaptive basis, without locking in expensive investments before they are necessary. We can also advise you on more comprehensive resilience strategies aimed at supporting communities and clients survive and thrive through uncertainty. Key elements include:

  • Climate adaptation planning
  • Resilience strategies


We design and implement the interventions required to achieve adaptation and resilience to climate change. Unlike other consultancies, Arup can integrate an end-to-end solution from advisory insights to practical mitigations and engineering/design solutions, drawing on the breadth of our global engineering and design teams.

Sectoral resilience

Resilience is a priority for everyone but it manifests in very different ways, depending on the sector of the economy or society an organisation is from. Here are just some of the ways Arup helps clients to achieve it:


Understanding types of resilience