Prioritising health services can rejuvenate neighbourhoods, promote health and wellbeing, deliver economic and social value while strengthening cohesion and resilience. 

Arup considers hospitals and healthcare facilities as a springboard for community revitalisation, a transformational change of assets and their surroundings. We make healthcare professionals, local communities and patients integral to the design and decision-making process to strengthen the human-centric approach of design.

By combining healthcare advisory, real estate, engineering and technology expertise, we specialise in developing healthcare environments that work for the whole community, regardless of age, ability, or circumstances. From accessible entrances and intuitive wayfinding systems to adaptable exam rooms and sensory-friendly spaces, we ensure that everyone can navigate and use facilities with ease. 

For larger scale regeneration projects, our masterplanning and urban design experts can put healthcare at the forefront of mixed use urban (re)development masterplans, taking advantage of both existing and new assets. This variety and diversity of physical healthcare entry points in neighbourhoods can maximise access, optimise efficiency and improve overall quality of service.

Developing communities

To strengthen healthcare within developing communities, we concentrate on improving accessibility, affordability, and resilience of services. From designing low-cost medical facilities and mobile clinics to developing off-grid healthcare solutions, we assist in providing access to essential healthcare services with limited existing healthcare infrastructure.