Computational design is a field that involves the use of computer algorithms, simulations, and data analysis to support and enhance the design process. It enables designers to explore vast design spaces, to find solutions to complex design problems, and to make informed decisions based on data-driven insights. 

We use computational design to improve the efficiency, accuracy, and effectiveness of the design process, and to deliver optimal results for our clients, communities, and the environment.

How we can help

Overcome constraints

Computational design tools enable our teams to manage a growing number of client constraints and requirements - geotechnical details, sunlight levels, materials costs, commercial goals, climate conditions (cover weather more broadly), almost anything measurable. Sometimes projects are faced with the dilemma of counter-intuitive KPIs but computational design tools make it possible to explore a much larger design space than would be feasible with manual methods, resolving tough trade-offs between competing priorities.

Using computational specialisms such as parametric design we can explore a complete range of design options, building a unified solution that reconciles competing demands. Once we agree KPIs, we develop a parametric algorithm to generate options that explore the full range of possibilities. We then analyse these options, sharing insights that help our clients navigate constraints and make better informed decisions.

We also help companies and organisations to explore, prioritise, and enact opportunities to decarbonise, align with ESG and TCFD requirements, and decouple material consumption from value creation. We can provide market intelligence, identify circular economy value pools and opportunities, advise on industry-specific circular guidelines for products, services and business models, and enable the development of circular economy coalitions and ventures. Throughout we support clients to mitigate their risk, improve return on their investments, and unlock the sustainability potential of circular economy practices.

InForm video cover
InForm is a generative design tool that we use on a wide variety of building and infrastructure projects. Its powerful analytics engine can understand and combine many different relevant constraints or client preferences, before generating thousands of workable designs.  

Design more sustainability

Across our industry, the new mantra is that form should reflect sustainability goals – but this necessitates a new approach to engineering. We need to be proactive and computational design means we can provide clients and collaborators with a validated framework of sustainable options to inform and shape the initial brief, well before the design direction is selected. 

Sustainability is always multi-faceted and requires a consistent approach throughout a project’s DNA. Computational design enables us to measure and optimise embodied carbon, achieve greater energy efficiency and reduce material waste, even in the most complex or ambitious designs.

By making our design decisions more data-driven, we can help our clients deliver projects that are quantifiably more sustainable.

Valley, Amsterdam
Valley, Amsterdam - Our parametric design services included a review of the buildings’ shape, reducing costs - whilst we developed a parametric tool to test the daylight, structures and view requirements were met in all the rooms, and reduced the time needed to check which apartments in the three towers were compliant to the Dutch building codes and norms in each design iteration.

Accelerate design

Computational design enables us to quickly generate, evaluate and optimise multiple design options, reducing the time and effort required by traditional, manual design processes. Computational design also brings data rigour to every element of the design process, by gathering, processing and analysing vast amounts of data, providing designers with data-driven insights that can inform all decision making.  

Digitalizing our workflows supports our designers, engineers, technical specialists and other stakeholders to work together in a unified digital environment, improving understanding, accelerating design progress and reducing errors. As projects progress, new challenges and questions are likely to arise. Through collaboration and adaptability, we can address these challenges and de-risk projects. We embrace complexity and analysis-based data to design projects that shape a more sustainable future.