Modern healthcare is highly energy intensive and increasing use of medical technology only increases hospital and clinics’ operational costs. By adopting sustainable healthcare principles, healthcare facilities can minimise their ecological footprint, enhance resilience to environmental challenges, and contribute to the well-being of both patients and communities.

With environmental regulation, changing patient expectations and energy price uncertainty all contributing to a raising pressure to decrease the carbon footprint for healthcare, most of our clients want to commit to net zero but do not know where to start. We see the first step to decarbonisation is to define baseline emissions and identify a path forward. Determining this for healthcare can be challenging, medical gases, clinical waste and specialised services are not included in broader emissions frameworks. We will undertake a robust carbon foot printing process measuring emissions directly and indirectly across facilities and operations. This inclusive data can identify key emission sources, give insight into reduction targets, and suggest mitigation strategies for carbon reduction. With this analysis our experts can map a comprehensive path to decarbonisation to not only reduced emissions, but improve operational resilience, prioritise health and safety and reveal opportunities for cost savings.

More broadly, our teams aim to integrate environmentally conscious practices, resource efficiency, and social value into the design, construction, and operation across healthcare infrastructure. We take a comprehensive approach to decarbonisation and sustainability which can include energy efficiency, water conservation, waste management, and indoor environmental quality. It considers emerging technologies, design strategies, and operational practices to reduce resource consumption, mitigate environmental impacts, and promote human health and safety.