Commuters, shoppers, audiences, cyclists, pedestrians... as designers, we build for a world in motion. Whether it’s a new railway station, shopping mall or cultural landmark, understanding how people move, behave and interact is a vital part of the design process. MassMotion makes this level of insight possible.

Developed in-house by Arup, MassMotion is the world’s most flexible pedestrian and crowd simulation software. Based on pioneering research into the science of human movement and refined by data from real world projects, the software provides technical analysis of people’s movement through physical spaces. It allows our planners and engineers to test these designs, population levels, and operational overlays from a human perspective.


MassMotion is fully 3D, integrates with BIM tools, and has been used to help design and plan iconic projects at various scales: from airports such as Beijing Daxing Airport to unique cultural events such as The Mile Long Opera. As a design tool, MassMotion works best as a combination of digital platform plus human insight.