Year on year, we are seeing the rapid emergence and evolution of new digital and data technologies. At Arup, we are committed to empowering organisations to harness the potential of these advancements and seamlessly integrate them into their businesses, assets or buildings.

Whether the goal is to optimise assets or business performance, minimise costs, mitigate future risks, enhance resilience, or boost revenue, our team of digital experts accelerates the digital transformation journey.

How we can help you

Transformation strategy

Digital transformation isn’t simply about technology implementation, it’s also a cultural shift. Our ultimate goal is to facilitate real cultural change within organisations, enabling them to gain the full potential of digital technologies through new attitudes, knowledge and tools. Our approach is always to keep people at centre of the strategy. 

We help organisations co-create their digital strategy, exploring what digital means for them, identifying they ways it could improve their services and ways of working to achieve their business goals.

Implementation of the digital strategy is also key, and we design comprehensive transformation programmes to ensure investments in technology lead to tangible improvements for an organisation.

Leadership matters too. We empower leaders with the tools and knowledge necessary to effectively facilitate digital transformation within their teams and organisation.

We help people work better with digital and data. That means helping clients to get more out of their data, make better use of automation, and improve user experiences.

Develop digital services

Developing valuable, cost-effective digital services is a growing priority for all sorts of organisations. Arup works with clients to design and deliver new digital services, built on user-centred design and research – through discovery, alpha, beta and live phases -  powered by the latest technologies.

Our service design process is collaborative and begins with consultation to define the need, the outcome and the experience. 

The digital development process is underpinned by three core principles: 

  1. Defined project scope and goals: this leads to a solution that addresses the real problem.
  2. Anchor design decisions and the service’s scope on user research: combined with a sense of the business goal, available data and the wider context. 
  3. Develop shared understanding: this leads to a shared ownership of the solution
BIM model
Our digital transformation specialists set up a unified digital strategy, architecture and governance approach for digital services to support the Peru Reconstruction programme. This work accelerated the delivery of 74 schools and 17 healthcare facilities, pivotal to the recovery after 2017’s El Niño storm damage.

Digital strategy and roadmap

Digital strategy defines a plan to achieve organisational objectives through the application of digital and data. We provide comprehensive strategic advice on the role of data and digital technology to support organisational transformation, placemaking and our clients’ sustainable development objectives. Our goal is to help clients to gain value from their business data, and develop completely new services, integrating new technology and data standards in often complex environments. 

When defined comprehensively, a digital strategy will:

  • Increase business and operational efficiencies through the introduction or improvement in the use of data, digital and technology solutions
  • Improve customer and staff experiences through putting them at the centre of new digital solutions and integrating them into our clients existing business
  • Reduce business and technology risk and increase resilience through the implementation of data and digital technologies.
  • Prioritise digital technology investment in line with business needs