We work with infrastructure developers, property companies, governments and landowners to embed effective management of land, air and water through planning, delivery and operation of new and retrofit projects. Our service is comprehensive, including air quality, biodiversity, noise, community engagement, environmental assessment and management, land quality, water, resources and waste, and the maintenance and protection of historic environments.

We lead environmental assessments, management and reporting for high profile, nationally significant infrastructure and local projects. We also help central and local government authorities shape policy and guidance on managing environmental outcomes.   

How we can help you

Shaped by our engineering heritage and informed by our wide range of complementary technical skills, we offer rigorous environmental assessments and management practice to inform and communicate a clear understanding of the environmental issues and opportunities. 

Understanding environmental feasibility

Well before a project has got under way on site, we help clients to understand the full impact, risks, constraints and opportunities of a proposed development or acquisition. This includes:

  • Baseline surveys and desktop studies and assessments, site identification
  • Planning authority and wider stakeholder engagement

Environment-led design

It’s important to ensure that a design presents the best possible environmental outcomes while achieving strong sustainable development goals. Our consultants offer:   

  • Environmental assessments, enhancements and strategies
  • Nature-based solutions optioneering, design and engineering
  • Remediation strategies and mitigation
  • Developing and implementing Environmental Management Plans and Systems

Approvals and planning

Effective environmental strategy is how projects secure the required permissions. Arup helps clients with:  

  • Stakeholder engagement/public consultation
  • Production of environmental statements
  • Permits and legislative compliance
  • Post-approval support

Delivery and operations

We also offer post-approval monitoring and reporting, to ensure that a development continues to fulfil its environmental performance goals and commitments.

  • Monitoring in accordance with environmental management plans
  • Developing and implementing environmental management systems based on or certified to ISO 14001
  • Procurement and contract management advice and support
  • Construction supervision


Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) respond to the environment, balanced against the needs of development. They ensure that effects of development on the environment are understood and are taken into account in the planning process. 

Download this document to find out more about our EIA work throughout the UK and across a series of sectors including cities, transport, energy and water. 

Environmental Impact Assessments