Hosting a major event focuses the eyes of the world on a city. It’s often a once in a generation opportunity to drive regional and urban transformation in ways that benefit a city and its people long into the future. We put consultation with communities and stakeholders at the heart of our process, to develop a shared vision that hosting a major event can accelerate towards, that is both inspiring and achievable, backed by robust financial planning to make it all happen. 

Arup’s experience covers the whole event lifecycle, from bidding, winning and planning, through to on-the-ground operational delivery, and beyond the closing ceremonies into community and economic legacy. We work with city and regional bodies, organising committees, governing bodies andcontractorsto bring exceptional creativity, credibility and drive to events that put cites on the global stage.

A long-standing advisor to the global and national governing bodies of major sporting,cultural and businessevents, our teams both help improve and support the planning and organising of events, and help host cities understand and deliver above and beyond their hosting commitments, 

How we help you

Our local experts and global network come together to form bespoke Host Cities teams, providing the expertise you need to deliver your city and event ambitions throughout the whole project lifecycle. As the team behind your team, we cover all aspects of host city strategy, planning, design, and delivery, stakeholder engagement, city operations, project management, economics, venue design (including retrofit), environmental consulting, and digital services.


Our team will help you develop a model identifying different funding opportunities for the whole lifecycle, from bidding through to ensuring long-term benefits.


Sourcing and securing funding is crucial to establishing momentum for any host city project or bid.

London 2012 Olympic Stadium

London's 2012 Olympic Park - the 2012 games are widely considered to have been a success in ensuring long-term benefits for the city.

Governing committees understandably want their scheme to avoid becoming cost prohibitive, while meeting a city’s ambitions and the organiser’s goals.

The cost of hosting major events is increasing, and it can be hard for cities to invest in bidding or get started on the early stages of delivery. Our team will help you develop a model identifying different potential funding opportunities for the whole lifecycle, from bidding through to ensuring significant long-term benefits in line with the vision for your city.


We take time to understand the aspirations and constraints that will shape the bid and a successful scheme.Developing a vision that resonates with a city, its current and future needs and that excites its population, is central to the immediate and long-term success of an event.


Developing a vision that resonates with a city, its current and future needs and that excites its population, is central to the immediate and long-term success of an event.

Birmingham city centre

We worked with Birmingham City Council extensively as part of the team that delivered the 2022 Commonwealth Games in the city.

A vision that inspires is the result of conversation and collaboration, wide stakeholder engagement and an honest, clear reckoning about what the ambition should be.


We get to know a city and its people. We take time to understand the aspirations and constraints that will shape the bid and a successful scheme.


Using a range of digital tools, research and in-person engagement we work with a city and its leaders and communities, to understand the needs, challenges and potential of a city, to help craft a vision and compelling narrative can help achieve the support of the whole population. 


In today’s media context, the task of making the case for your city can be hard. You have to anticipate where support and opposition might come from, build a long-term campaign that works across analogue, digital and social channels, to align policy, communications and marketing to really get the whole city on board. Ultimately, we help clients to articulate why the city put its hand up in the first place.

Delivery partner

Our support covers all of the relevant host city responsibilities, from major venue and infrastructure works, permitting and licening to, communications and stakeholder engagement.

Delivery partner

Our city partners often describe us as ‘the team behind the team’

Alexander Stadium, Birmingham

The Alexander Stadium - the centre piece of the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth games.

This refers to the way we embed delivery teams alongside and integrated with the city leaders and staff, introducing governance, processes and tools to help deliver host city commitments and ambitions, while keeping a city meeting its day-to-day responsibilities. Not only is this efficient, it also builds knowledge, capacity and confidence that city directors and their teams take into future programmes and ongoing improvements. 


Our support covers all of the relevant host city responsibilities, from major venue and infrastructure works to communications and stakeholder engagement in the harshest spotlight the city has probably ever experienced. From the complexities of permitting and licencing to city dressing and legacy. By walking in the shoes of our partners, our team can quickly take on projects and tasks to alleviate pressure and maximise the opportunity, from organising a baton relay to developing accessibility guidelines. 


In 2023, we were awarded the Local Government Chronicle (LGC) award for local government partnership for our collaboration with Birmingham on the 2022 Commonwealth Games. This also recognised the different ways we have helped the city council to build capacity for other programmes including the the Perry Barr masterplan.

Learn more

Improving transport and connectivity

Hosting a major global event is often a brilliant opportunity to invest in transport improvements.

Improving transport and connectivity

Hosting a major global event is often a brilliant opportunity to invest in transport improvements that a city and region will value for decades to come.

Brisbane metro CGI

We have led the design of Brisbane's new rapid transit system - which will support the city's hosting of the 2032 Olympics.

Our transport planning teams span every mode and understand how to invest in and design upgrades in physical infrastructure and operational systems that will facilitate global visitors and benefit local communities and businesses.

For London 2012, Arup assisted the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) in undertaking strategic highway modelling to forecast the predicted impacts of the movement of traffic, both in isolation and in combination, on London’s road network during the Games.

To maximise the limited time available Arup enhanced existing transport models to suit Games time conditions. Our approach was based on merging a number of existing TfL and ODA highway assignment models, to produce a bespoke tool, fit for Games modelling.

Design and deliver venues and infrastructure

Arup is world renowned for every kind of venue design.

Design and deliver venues and infrastructure

Arup is world renowned for every kind of venue design. But we also understand that performance and long-term use and viability are just as essential as the structure and form of the facilities. 

Lima Pan American athletics stadium

Our experience of venue design and technical knowledge allowed us to support the deliver of Peru's 2019 Pan American games athletics stadium on time and on budget.

We focus on energy efficient, low maintenance and cost-effective facilities that will have enduring value to local communities. Cost, quality and ongoing operational efficiency are central to the virtues of the design. 

You don’t always need to build brand new. Increasingly we are advising cities on the retrofit and adaptation of existing venues and use of temporary structures to reduce costs and increase sustainability. Today, venues offer a great opportunity to adopt circular economy design principles and employ a design for reuse approach throughout venue development.

Learn more about our sports architecture services

Delivering multi-city/region benefits

Our host city teams work with governing bodies, organising committees and cities to build the economic case for making the most of this moment to define and achieve meaningful value.

Delivering multi-city/region benefits

Many major global events are now multi-city and even multi-country, to share costs and widen the opportunities for cities, sponsors and spectators or participants. 

Fans gather in Victoria Square, Birmingham as part of of the 2022 Commonwealth Games. We work with host cities to enable them to make the most of the opportunities presented by major events.

While this shared site approach expands national interest, there is also a risk that it dilutes the investment in long-term benefit and reduces the public support for hosting an event in their city or country. Our host city planning teams work with governing bodies, organising committees and host cities to build the economic case for making the most of this moment to define and achieve shared, meaningful value. This could include progress on priorities such as employment and business opportunities, sports and cultural engagement, tourism and trade, or infrastructure improvements. 

Read 'Improving the host city bargain: a new focus on multi-location events'

Economic opportunity and inclusion

Arup’s economics planning team specialises in both macro and local financial planning and can help cities to build on local strengths to deliver economic opportunities.

Economic opportunity and inclusion

Arup’s economics planning team specialises in both macro and local financial planning and can help cities to build on local strengths, boost the local economy long-term and expand employment opportunities for surrounding communities.

Lima, Peru

Lima, Peru

Importantly, events are always a catalyst for change, often providing a ten-year or longer development window for valuable regeneration or infrastructure development that a city will need for the event and beyond.

We also work with ministries, city governments and public agencies to capture approaches, recommendations and lessons learned during and post-event. This ensures that the wave of professionals we upskill and support to deliver an event can carry forward international best practice into the major projects their city or country may need to deliver in future.

Find out more about our role in delivering the Lima 2019 Pan American and Parapan American Games

Climate positivity and resilience

We are pioneering whole life carbon assessments on major infrastructure, providing clients with details of the embodied and operational emissions of their asset across its lifespan.

Climate positivity and resilience

Host cities and governing bodies need any major event to fit within their wider net zero goals.


At COP26, it was Arup’s job as sustainability advisors to the UK Government to embed sustainability at every stage of the event, from upfront planning all the way through to disassembly of the site. The UK Government also agreed to pioneer PAS2060 (standard for carbon neutrality) for COP26, requiring a rigorous approach to declaring carbon neutrality. PAS2060 enabled us to create the most comprehensive carbon footprint ever calculated for a COP and commit to reporting publicly.

Climate positivity and long-term venue, infrastructure and community resilience can be achieved but requires specialist support and technical insight to achieve. Arup’s climate services team use this to guide the wider programme in a context-sensitive way. In addition, we are pioneering whole life carbon assessments on major infrastructure, providing clients with a detailed analysis of the embodied and operational emissions of their asset across its lifespan.

We assess the event’s strategy, energy consumption, travel emissions, catering, waste and transportation to help achieve the ISO 20121 certification (the international standard for sustainable events management) and deliver a carbon-neutral/positive event with sustainability at its heart. Our clients also benefit from our longstanding partnerships with Resilience Rising, C40 Cities, Resilient City Network andour shared knowledge on how to manage and plan climate action and adaptations.