Intelligent mobility uses data and technology to put the human experience at the centre of transport decision-making. In different ways, intelligent mobility tools and tactics are helping us to tackle longstanding issues like congestion, air quality and transport decarbonisation and accessibility.

Today, with ever more complex urban communities to serve, intelligent mobility is central to any effective transport system. At Arup we use this approach to look beyond individual transport modes, to create more efficient and integrated networks, and meet greater social, economic and environmental goals. Our teams work with clients to bring intelligent mobility insights and outcomes to their networks, services, assets and passengers.

Low emission mobility

We help local and national transport authorities to adopt, enable and encourage the use of low emission vehicles and the introduction of low emission zones in cities.  

Low emission mobility

Transport should enhance human health, not diminish it. According to the World Health Organisation, road traffic can contribute anything from 17-70% of air pollution.

Electric vehicle under charge

The world’s leading economies have committed to work towards zero emission electric vehicles (EVs). Arup is helping them to make the transition.

Through our experience advising local and state government and organisations, we have gained technical knowledge into the design, planning, electrical engineering, financial, social and environmental requirements of EVs and supporting infrastructure.

Our electric mobility clients include local, state and federal government, developers, policy makers, multinational organisations, energy regulators, industry stakeholders, advocacy groups and fleet managers.

Planning for change

Electric cars and public transport modes such as buses are pivotal to radically lowering emissions. But they can only succeed if supported by the enabling infrastructure and clean grid they need. Other low-emitting fuels, like hydrogen, can play a role too. 

Other new mobility models, such as demand-responsive vehicles, shared mobility and connected and autonomous vehicles present the potential to reshape travel patterns and the way our streets are used. Arup is helping cities and transport operators to plan for and adapt to this new era, by developing and implementing low emission transport at scale.

Find out more about our work with Canada Bay City Council

Learn more about our work with the Welsh government to establish a charging network 

We've also delivered an EV charging assessment on the UK motorway network.

And a charging network roadmap for Adelaide, Australia.

Systems, operations and data

Arup helps transport agencies and authorities to make the best use of their existing networks, achieving operational efficiencies and providing a better user experience through effective data management strategies and systems.

Systems and data

Optimisation of road networks use and operations relies on effective data.

Lower Hudson Transport Link

As part of our work on the Lower Hudson Transit Link, we designed an update to the region’s advanced traffic management system. Bus passengers and drivers will also benefit from the availability of information on real time conditions on the corridor. VMSs will be used to provide travel time estimates at various destinations along the I-287 route, bus shelters will list estimated bus arrival times, and VMSs installed in several bus shelter parking lots will give drivers information on lot availability.

Increasingly connected vehicles and roadside infrastructure is providing real-time data access which in turn enables significant operational efficiencies. We support existing system developments and trials of new systems, bringing in our deep domain knowledge of how road and transport networks operate with significant digital and data management capability. Once trials have proven a concept, we can implement at scale and integrate solutions as part of the existing mobility ecosystem. 

For example, our work in Cork City supporting Ireland’s National Transport Authority to install more than 250 cycling detectors at 109 intersections in the City with the aim of increasing safety and encouraging uptake of cycling. Our work included identification of routes and intersection classification and analysis of traffic detection technologies.

As well as supporting the uptake of active travel modes, Intelligent Transport Systems are increasingly being used to manage traffic demand and improve safety on our roads and streets. Sensors providing live data sources, and cameras monitor traffic conditions and help decision makers to improve traffic flow by adjusting signals accordingly. 

We have helped Transport Infrastructure Ireland and National Highways develop real-time information to drivers, helping to reduce congestion and improve road user experience. The evolution of these systems is the use of AI and predictive analytics technologies to guide even faster decision making by operatives

Find out more about our work on the Lower Hudson Transit Link

Mobility pricing, tolling and management

We work with policy makers to deliver publicly acceptable measures that encourage the desired behavioural shifts and changes to road use.

Mobility pricing, tolling and management

The demands placed on our roads are growing. In response, more and more cities and national governments are using mobility pricing schemes to help enable better social, environmental and economic outcomes.

M50 toll road in Ireland

As the first European country to implement barrier-free tolling for all vehicle classes, Ireland is at the forefront of tolling innovation. Since 2014, our consultants and engineers have been working as the Authority’s Representative on the development of eFlow, the M50's barrier-free toll.

Mobility pricing schemes take many forms including congestion charging, low emission zones, strategic network tolling or wider distance-based Road User Charging (RUC). Arup is working with policy makers, transport authorities, and private interests who want to improve how we integrate the way we price and pay for our local, regional and national transport networks.

Recognising public acceptability is a crucial pre-requisite to any mobility pricing scheme, we work with policy makers to deliver measures that are publicly palatable while producing the behavioural shifts and changes to road use necessary to achieve the desired outcomes.

Our approach starts from the individual and the desired social outcomes, to develop mobility pricing solutions that incorporate new technologies, new business models and platforms, while developing policies that our communities and leaders can support.  We are delivery focused, considering the implementation demands of mobility pricing schemes through procurement, deployment and operations from the outset.

Learn about our work with Transport Infrastructure Ireland

Shared, connected and autonomous mobility

Sound planning has become an urgent priority for many cities wrestling with these innovations. 

Shared, connected and autonomous mobility

Cities all over the world are having to rethink who will soon be using their streets, and how.

Connected and autonomous vehicle illustration

A new class of ride-sharing, in autonomous and connected vehicles, seems to promise lower congestion and lower emissions. But if poorly managed, the number of vehicles could actually increase. Sound planning has become an urgent priority for many cities wrestling with these innovations. 

There are many elements to consider: policies for changing street use; data governance and how new Mobility as a Service platforms (MaaS) could work; cyber security, changing safety issues, and many other implications. Arup is already working with cities and transport agencies around the world to prepare for this new era.

We helped Infrastructure Victoria in Australia to understand the potential transport engineering impacts, risks and opportunities presented by automated and zero emissions vehicles on local roads.

Fully autonomous vehicles are becoming a reality in certain areas such as ports. For cities and road networks, however, change is likely to be incremental and complex. CAVs share space with less enabled vehicles as well as cyclists and pedestrians. CAVs themselves present a confusing mix of technologies with different levels of connectivity and autonomy.

We are helping cities navigate these complexities. We headed up the UK Autodrive 3-year trial of CAVs in Milton Keynes. As well as trialling the technology, we explored how these frameworks will need to change and the governance demands this will place on data security.