While the challenge can be intimidating, Arup’s enviable track record in the education sector of providing multidisciplinary design enables the successful reuse or integration of buildings to maximise the potential of existing building stock. 

Our engineers will conduct comprehensive assessments of building portfolios to identify areas for improvement in energy efficiency, sustainability, and technology integration. Our teams help you think creatively, finding ways to pivot assets’ use, identifying second or third lives for the same assets.

Transforming existing spaces to meet changing needs provides an opportunity to extend an asset’s useful life, while providing unique spaces that have more value than comparable new-build solutions. Along with environmental benefits, transforming and reusing existing buildings often delivers greater commercial and social returns than demolishing and reconstructing. It can be far more cost-effective for education institutions, create more characterful places for staff and students, and preserve heritage value for communities. Valuable cultural and heritage assets, require creative, context-appropriate restoration solutions. Arup frequently leads specialist preservation teams, negotiates with regulatory bodies, and delivers sensitive restoration schemes that preserve character while enhancing efficiency and value.