Every economy depends on efficient, data-driven and carefully planned movement of goods and materials. Arup helps clients to define and design logistics and freight strategies that ensure resilience across assets and operations. 

Our service begins by defining an organisation’s needs to developing their supply chain and logistics strategies. We then move through to business case development and the planning and design of required interventions, how they will be delivered and plans for day-to-day operations. Our approach is collaborative – we work closely with clients to ensure we deliver the right solution first time and that these deliver our clients’ objectives.

How we can help you

Logistics strategy

We provide strategic advice to national and regional governments, helping them to shape policy requirements for logistics infrastructure and operational solutions. We also develop strategic advice for asset and operation owners on supply chain logistics requirements, business case development and operating models.

Developing a strategy is the best way to stay ahead of new trends, practices and opportunities. We are helping the freight and logistics sector to strategically decarbonise the way goods and materials are moved around. We are also helping industry players to take advantage of automation, predictive AI and other new digital tools. 

The sector also faces complex urban planning requirements and constraints shaping where and how sites operate. And there’s a growing need to run a resilient operation in an era of extreme weather. We help clients to identify which specific business change events they face and define a robust strategy for future success.

Logistics design

Our detailed design advice ensures logistics requirements such as, vehicle movements, goods receipt, material handling, waste management and automated systems are embedded and harmonised within design proposals to deliver safe, efficient and sustainable operating environments. 

With deep knowledge of how logistics operate across a wide range of sectors, we can deliver efficient and cost-effective solutions and bring best practice from other industries.

Logistics operational readiness

Operational readiness means being ready for change – from materials, technology, skills and cultural standpoints. We also help clients to cope with assets and operations driven change, assessing likely impacts to their operations and preparing people, processes and systems for a smooth transition.

Achieving operational excellence

Meeting performance expectations is always central, whatever your business or organisation. For logistics businesses, achieving ‘operational excellence’ is also how they meet their own clients’ goals.

We work with clients to ensure that supply chain and logistics solutions will support their current and future operations. In parallel we use this as an opportunity to implement cost efficient innovations that will lead to positive social financial and sustainable outcomes.