Planning successfully means anticipating changing socio-economic conditions, meeting new business needs, finding ways to decarbonise and meet strict environmental goals, and stay ahead of technological advances.

We offer a truly holistic and integrated range of in-house skills and services necessary for the strategic planning of ports and waterfronts. Our globally connected ports and maritime infrastructure and operations specialists work closely with a wide range of inhouse disciplines including strategic planners, economists, transport planners, stakeholder and community engagement specialists, environmental specialists, assets and operations specialists and many more.

We understand that port and city waterfront ecosystems are complex and multifaceted and that the successful articulation of a future plan requires a united, cohesive team that is underpinned by collaboration across technical streams with the client, stakeholders, and the wider community. We adopt innovative frameworks and methodologies to inform our work, including GIS mapping, economic analysis, and multicriteria assessments.

We help clients to prioritise future investments, allocate space to the right uses and improve operational efficiencies across the port or waterfront precinct, with decarbonisation and resilience at the heart of planning and action.