Given the scale and duration of rail network development, the strength and robustness of the scheme’s initial planning is understandably important.

We partner with clients to assess the strategic need for vital rail infrastructure and services, assessing proposed schemes through the wider social, economic and environmental opportunities they can offer. Our approach across planning, engineering and design is focused on identifying the right levers to pull to help create railways that leave a long-lasting positive legacy for people, communities, economies and the environment.

How we can help you

Strategy, feasibility and business case 

We work with clients to develop feasibility studies and business case for investment to enable projects to transition from vision to reality.

Strategy, feasibility and business case 

Our expert team of planners, economists, engineers and designers help clients to assess their current transport and rail networks against existing policy objectives.

Front view of two light rail trains

Sydney CBD and South East Light Rail forms a critical part of the city's transport future. We were engaged by Transport for New South Wales to help it achieve its strategic vision for the Sydney Light Rail Network.

We to develop an integrated strategy so that any planned rail scheme can deliver real value for communities and create improved economic opportunities beyond the line itself. 

We work with clients to develop feasibility studies and business case for investment to enable projects to transition from vision to reality, taking key stakeholders on the journey. As part of this, we take a forensic approach to rail corridor, land-use and station planning, considering all options and trade-offs from a costs and benefits perspective for the whole-life of the railway. By combining our deep technical understanding of rail operations with the wider economic opportunities railways offer, we help our clients ensure a sound return on investment for generations to come.

Find out more about our work on Sydney CBD and South East Light Line

Rail market analysis, demand and revenue forecasting

Together, we explore what demand for a new or enhanced line could look like and how much revenue could be generated.

Rail market analysis, demand and revenue forecasting

As an essential part of building the strategic and economic business case for a proposed rail scheme, we help our clients to anticipate and understand how the future customer is likely to travel.

Together, we explore what demand for the new or enhanced line could look like and how much revenue could be generated from different fare streams. 

By combining demand, revenue and performance forecasting with the wider economics of rail, our expert advisors support clients to develop the right route alignment options, together with a combination of other key levers, to enable the best whole-life return from a railway. Our market analysis includes a thorough assessment of competition across the rail and wider transport network to help inform optimal modal shift strategies to reduce congestion and enable the transition to net zero. 

Our planners also bring greater clarity to future operations and performance, by modelling different timetable options, capacity, and train configuration scenarios and assessing the operational implications, to help make the best long-term decisions for any new or enhanced scheme.

Funding and financing

Our finance and economic experts work with clients to explore a range of public and private financing models for rail schemes.

Funding and financing

Globally, most rail network developments are a mix of national funding and private investment, representing a complex mix of stakeholders and interests to navigate and manage throughout a project’s development.

We have been advising the Colombian government in its efforts to increase the country's rail infrastructure - we were asked to analyze the technical, legal, and financial requirements necessary for successfully implementing Public Private Partnerships for passenger and freight rail transportation projects in the country.

Our finance and economic experts work with clients to explore a range of public and private financing models for rail schemes in an increasingly complex market context. We work with clients to develop business cases, robust strategies and economic policies, make sound procurement decisions and investments, carry out technical due diligence and financial advisory, while remaining on top of the technical, economic and operational issues.

Our teams are focused on sustainable investment decisions and policies – helping you to invest in new assets, upgrade existing portfolios, and focus on environmental, social and governance issues.

Find out more about our work with the Colombian government

Stakeholder engagement

Whether you need to show design, hear the potential impact of noise, or understand the environmental impacts along a route, we can help.

Stakeholder engagement

The success of any major rail scheme relies on bringing people on the journey with you, gaining their trust and support in order to realise the project long-term.

Visualisation of HS2 created by our team

Central to this process is being able to bring to life the many different elements of any major rail scheme. 

Whether you need to show design of stations or trains, hear the likely impact of noise to surrounding areas, understand the environmental impacts along the route, or visualise the development potential along the rail corridor, we can help. Our expert team support clients develop stakeholder engagement strategies and consultation. We use Arup-developed technologies such as SoundLab and eLab, which are powerful tools that enable members of the public, government bodies, clients and other contractors to understand the proposed design spatially, audibly and visually.