By carefully repairing and creatively adapting protected buildings, we celebrate their unique historical and cultural features. Each development phase is thoughtfully considered to sympathetically adapt existing structures while improving performance and functionality. This includes transforming aging offices into flexible workspaces, abandoned yards into vibrant shopping districts, and industrial structures into homes. Additionally, we aim to extend the lifespan of historic buildings while upgrading their performance.

A prime example is the refurbishment of 1 Triton Square in London, UK. This project successfully increased office space while maintaining the building's facades and superstructure. Achieving a BREEAM Outstanding sustainability rating, the use of sustainability innovations and the reuse of existing structure and fabric resulted in substantial carbon savings in both design and construction. These savings are projected to exceed the building's operational carbon emissions for over 40 years.

Digital tools played a crucial role in unravelling the structural complexities of the heritage Procuratie Vecchie. Our team evaluated the building's condition and analysed the performance of existing materials and structures, including historical masonry supporting the walls and timber elements comprising the slab. Through meticulous analysis, we implemented minimal yet effective refurbishments that addressed structural integrity and enhanced accessibility.