We are also experts in designing technical systems – from moveable seating, elevators and theatre rigging, to audio-visual broadcasting infrastructure and scenery management systems – to make the production process as agile and efficient as possible.

Our building engineers take a multi-disciplinary approach to optimise studio design. It is essential that the building structure, for example, is optimised to provide acoustic separation; mechanical services such as air conditioning must also be designed with the understanding of the end users’ particular requirements in mind.

Arup’s infrastructure team are experts in developing large-scale sites to enable phased development. Comprehensive SUDS and biodiversity strategies are key elements of sustainable studio development to maximise site use with minimum impact, along with significant energy and communications infrastructure. Our lighting designers provide high-quality, flexible studio lighting solutions that adapt to the demanding requirements of contemporary programmes, while minimising energy consumption and impact on the environment. 

We have been creating award-winning acoustics for more than 30 years. With a strong track record across the performing arts sector, we provide total acoustic design encompassing studio acoustics, sound insulation, noise and vibration control, and sound system design. Our ICT and communications specialists are experts in designing solutions tailored specifically for studio environments.