This assists in minimising your carbon footprint while maintaining efficient operations across the laboratory and associated spaces.

Two vital aspects of sustainable science design are energy and water efficiency. Laboratories typically consume significantly more energy than other buildings due to specialised factors including containment devices, heat-generating equipment and 24-hour access requirements. We examine energy and water needs and identify opportunities for improving efficiency while maintaining health and safety standards. One key consideration is energy efficiency, achieved using advanced insulation, efficient lighting systems, and state-of-the-art HVAC systems. 

A truly sustainable laboratory design also prioritises the health and wellbeing of the lab’s tenants. This can include optimisation of natural lighting, promoting indoor air quality through efficient ventilation systems, and incorporating green spaces within or around the laboratory facility to enhance productivity and wellbeing.

Collaboration across project design plays a crucial role in development of innovative, sustainable solutions. Our designs integrate green certifications and standards, such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) standards, which provide guidelines and benchmarks for sustainable laboratory design, construction and operation.