Our approach to bridge design involves careful consideration of the technical requirements, environmental factors, and user experience. We use digital tools throughout our design process, such as parametric modelling to optimise the geometry of pedestrian pathways, balancing the dramatic impact with structural function. We also develop digital twin platforms to ensure the completed bridge can be operated and maintained using real-time data. 

Our service includes designing for the bridges and viaducts, ancillary buildings such as control centres, administrative buildings, tunnel entrances, vent buildings and other support facilities. We prioritise low energy and sustainable design.

Connections and prosperity

Bridges connect communities and can be important elements in an area’s social-economic development or regeneration. Our team has successfully developed designs that offer safe, accessible routes for outdoor activities, becoming new attractions for both locals and tourists. We work closely with our clients and stakeholders to realise the cultural, historic, and heritage significance of an area, delivering structures that are of real benefit to communities.