Data centers are a particularly trenchant example of an asset type that calls out for assessments in the face of hazards from a changing climate. Since they support systems such as 911 call centers, government websites and services, transportation infrastructure, healthcare facilities, and financial services, data centers are increasingly seen as critical infrastructure essential to public safety, security, health, and economic stability.
We’ve worked with numerous owners of networked data centers using varying levels of risk assessment. This process unlocks insights about the assets within their portfolios that are at highest threat of damage and disruption across a range of climate hazards, such as heat waves, drought, hurricanes, flooding, and sea level rise. These insights inform where prospective data centers might best be sited and what mitigation strategies should be targeted for existing sites.
Acting on insights
Ideally, a company will conduct its assessment and implement a strategy a few years before they plan or need to report, giving them time to fully test out their strategy and identify the best avenue for disclosure. By illuminating a resilience strategy’s cost-benefit, assessments enable businesses to more confidently invest in mitigation and adaptation measures and lower-carbon technologies.
This is also where companies can uncover opportunities. For example, a transportation infrastructure agency is benefiting from its transition to lower-carbon technology by installing solar panels for its power needs, which lowers the agency’s own cost of power and carbon footprint. Recognizing the potential of its right of way, the agency is also expanding its solar program to generate additional revenue by leasing land to nearby organizations to install their own panels and reduce their impacts as well.
Organizations proactively implementing resiliency measures can also increase the intangible value of their company. For example, to better retain tenants and attract new ones, a major commercial developer protects its properties from flooding and creates a safe environment for tenants with a portable, inflatable flood wall. In the case of storm surges or rainfall, it can quickly position the barrier at affected sites.