The third issue of 1992 celebrates a range of Arup's work across Europe. 

We begin with a look at our structural and services engineering work for the UK pavilion at Expo '92 in Seville, Spain, constructed to conform with the 'Age of Discovery' theme.

In Paris, we look at the work we delivered for L'Oreal, where Arup was bureau d'etudes for the steel superstructure of the company's new production and administrative headquarters building. We also look at a new Usine Thomson factory 15km south west of Paris, where Arup was subcontractors to Renzo Piano Building Workshop for the superstructure.

Other articles included in this issue are the design for a new day care facility in Frankfurt, the Il Grande Bigo, built to celebrate the Columbus quincentenary in Genoa, Italy and the role of computational fluid dynamics in plans for the internal environments of the proposed Munich Airport Centre.

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The Arup Journal 1992 - Issue 3